·      The "event producer" only send messages to one sns Topic

·      As many  "event receivers" (subscriptions) as we want to listen to the SNS topic notifications

·      Each subscriber to the topic will get all the messages (note new feature to filter messages)

·      Up to 10,000,000 subscriptions per topic

·      100,000 topics

·      Subscribers can be

o  SQS

o  HTTP/HTTPS (with delivery retries - how many times)

o  Lamda

o  Emails

o  SMS messages

o  Mobile notifications(push)

SNS Publish

·     Topic Publish

o  Create a topic

o  create a subscription(for many)

o  publish to topic

·     Direct Publish (for mobile app SDK)

o  Create a platform application

o  Create a platform endpoint

o  Publish to platform endpoint

o  Works with Google GCM, Apple APNS, Amazon ADM




o  Push once in SNS, receive many in SQS

o  Fully Decoupled

o  No data loss

o  Ability to add receivers of data later

o  SQS allows for delayed processing

o  SQS allows for retries of work

o  May have many workers on one queue and one worker on the other queue