ECS - Elastic Container Service

·      ECS is a container orchestration service

·      ECS facilitates the running of Docker on EC2

·      ECS is complex and can consist of

o  ECS core: user provisioned running on EC2 instances

o  Fargate : ECS Tasks running on AWS compute ( serverless )

o  EKS: ECS running on AWS-powered by  Kubernetes (running on EC2)

·      ECS Cluster: set of EC2 instances

·      ECS Service: applications definitions running on ECS Cluster

·      ECS Tasks & Definitions: containers running to create the application

·      ECS IAM Roles: roles assigned to tasks to interact with AWS

ECS Config

·      Run an EC2 instance, install the ecs agent and config file

·      OR use a ready Linux ECS-ready Linux AMI ( still have to modify the config file)

·      ECS Config file is at /etc/ecs/ecs.config



·      ECS (Elastic Container Service): Docker container management system on AWS. Helps with creating micro-services.

·      ECR (Elastic Container Registry): Docker images repository on AWS. Docker Images can be pushed and pulled from there